
Need To Try

Tanghulu Recipe (Chinese Candied Fruit)

10 servings


5 minutes

aktiivinen aika

25 minutes



1 lb strawberries, grapes, or other fruit of choice (~30 pieces)

2 cups white sugar

1 cup water


Wash fruit and pat dry. Remove leaves, stems, or any inedible parts. Place fruit onto skewers. I recommend 3 pieces or less per skewer so it is easier to work with.

In a small pot on low to medium heat, add sugar and water. Do not stir. Bring to a boil and simmer until it is thick like syrup and amber in color (~300°F). This takes about 10-20 minutes.

Test the temperature of the syrup by drizzling a spoonful into an ice water bath. If it hardens within seconds and cracks when bent, then it is ready.

Quickly dip the fruit skewers in syrup then swirl to evenly coat a thin layer. Immediately dip the skewer into an ice water bath to cool and harden the sugar coating.

Place skewer on a plate, repeat with the remaining (work fast so the sugar doesn't burn), and enjoy!

10 servings


5 minutes

aktiivinen aika

25 minutes

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