Mom Family Recipes
Coffee Liquor
temps totalIngrédients
2 1/2 cups white sugar
1 1/2 cup water
4-5 tbsp "camp" coffee
1 tbsp vanilla
26 oz alcohol
Mix all ingredients in a pot and bring to a boil.
Let boil for four minutes.
Stir. Cool. Take off any scum that forms by pouring mixture through a fine sieve and tea towel (Becca note - could probably just use a cheese cloth for this).
Add alcohol
Wasn't sure what camp coffee was, but it looks to be a concentrated coffee syrup.
At the bottom of this recipe was an additional thing for "Burt's White Light[n]ing"
: For each person, measure 2 oz of rum. Put cream de cocoa or coffee liqueur (no guidance on how much), a brick of vanilla ice cream, 1 qt egg nog, pinch of nutmeg, a small pinch of cinnamon. Blend.
500g sugar
300ml water
1 tsp essence
175ml syrup
100-500 ml vodka
rest wine
temps total