bendras laikasIngredientai
5 cups cooked pinto or kidney beans
¼ cup vegetable oil
4 to 5 garlic cloves, minced
4 cups chopped onions
3 medium green peppers, chopped
1½ tablespoons ground cumin
¼ teaspoon cayenne, or to taste (optional)
1 tablespoon ground coriander seeds
1 cup corn
½ cup chopped black olives
1⅓ cups grated sharp cheddar cheese
(4 ounces)
salt to taste
12 wheat tortillas vegetable oil
1 cup grated cheddar cheese (3 ounces)
3 cups Hot Sauce (p. 193)
1 cup sour cream
Sauté the garlic and onions in oil for several minutes until the onions are translucent. Add the peppers and all of the spices and continue to sauté until the peppers are tender, stirring occasionally. Cover the vegetables, remove them from the heat, and set them aside.
Mash the beans with a potato masher or wooden pestle and add enough reserved bean liquid to obtain the consistency of stiff mashed potatoes. Mix the mashed beans, sautéed vegetables, corn, olives, and cheese. Salt to taste.
Place each tortilla flat on the counter. Spoon ½ to ¾ cup of the bean mixture onto the half of the tortilla closest to you. Roll the tortillas from the bottom up, putting pressure on the filling so that it will be evenly distributed and will reach the open edges of the rolled tortilla. Place the burritos, rolled edge
lown, in an oiled baking pan. Brush them with oil, cover with a dum loth, and bake, tightly covered with foil, for 15 minutes. Uncove 1 emove the cloth, and serve immediately, or sprinkle the burios a dditional grated cheese if desired, and bake about 5 minutes mon.
Serve the burritos on heated plates. Top with Hot Sauce and sour cream
bendras laikas