Brownie Milkshake
jumlah masaBahan-bahan
whipped cream
Melted chocolate or Ganache
Brownie crumbs
2 brownies, cut into chunks
4 cups chocolate or vanilla ice cream (8 large scoops), slightly softened
1/4 cup whole milk or heavy cream
Melted chocolate or Ganache (see notes)
Using a small spoon, drizzle some melted chocolate or ganache inside of the glass (ganache recipe below).
Spoon some more of the chocolate OR ganache over the rim of the glass and allow it to drip down. Place glasses in the freezer while you prepare the milkshake.
Add softened ice cream, brownie chunks and whole milk to a blender. Blend until smooth. You can add more brownies if desired.
Pour milkshake into glasses and garnish with whipped cream, extra ganache or melted chocolate and brownie crumbs. Serve and enjoy!
Source: <a href=""></a>
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