Family Dinners
High Protein Honey Garlic Butter Chicken Mac N Cheese
jumlah masaBahan-bahan
Absolutely one of the best combos, the honey garlic chicken goes perfectly with the cheesy macaroni!
Macros Per Serving (4 Total)
597 Calories | 59g Protein | 52g Carbs | 16g Fat
Ingredients (Makes 4)
Honey Garlic Chicken
800g Raw Chicken Breast cut into cubes
1 ½ Tsp Salt
1 Tsp Black Pepper
1 Tsp Chilli Flakes (leave it out if you don’t want it spicy)
1 ½ Tsp Garlic Powder
1 ½ Tsp Onion Powder
1 ½ Tep Paprika or Smoked Paprika
2 Tsp Olive Oil
30g Light Butter (Brand: Lurpak) for cooking + extra once cooked
2 Tsp Minced Garlic
30g Honey (15g Honey per batch of chicken)
Handful Fresh Chopped Parsley
Get a pan on medium heat first then add butter. Let it melt then add your chicken (don’t overcrowd the pan). Cook for 4-5 mins on one side first till you get a nice golden brown crust. Then cook the other side for 3-4 mins more.
Lower the heat completely when adding the extra butter, garlic and honey. Mix till well coated and sticky then set aside
Garlic Mac n Cheese
Big Tbsp Minced Garlic
300ml Skimmed Milk
160g Light Cream Cheese (Brand: Philadelphia)
1 Tsp Salt or to taste
1/2 Tsp Black Pepper
1 Tsp Smoked Paprika
1/2 Tsp Nutmeg (adds a great deep flavour!)
100g Low Fat Cheddar Cheese (You can use any low fat cheese you have available)
220g Uncooked Macaroni Pasta or any pasta of your choice
Cook the pasta.
On medium low heat cook the minced garlic in the residue butter of the chicken for 2 mins till fragrant. Then add milk, cream cheese, spices. Mix this till completely smooth then lower the heat before adding the cheddar cheese. Stir till it melts then add your cooked macaroni and give it a good mix then Serve & ENJOY!
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