
McMullin Family Recipes

Arlene's Bran Muffins




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2 Cups boiling water

5 teaspoons baking soda

2 Cups sugar

1 Cup shortening

4 eggs

5 Cups flour

1 teaspoon salt

1 quart buttermilk

3 Cups bran flake cereal

4 Cups all-bran cereal


Add baking soda to the boiling water and let cool to room temperature

Cream the sugar and shortening

Add eggs and beat well

Add flour and salt to the creamed mixture alternately with the water/soda

Add buttermilk and cereal; mix until well blended

Scoop into muffin pan

Optional: Mix the night before and let the cereal get soggy overnight, stir well the next day before baking


Makes a lot so may be good to half the recipe. It will keep in the fridge as dough for up to 5 weeks.




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