
Side Dishes

Potato gratin



1 hour 32 minutes

total time



Ingredients for 4/6 people (28cm diameter pan):

2kg of potatoes

2 large onions (the sweetest you can find)

200g of smoked pancetta

1/2 wine glass of White wine

40g of Parmigiano reggiano

30ml of heavy cream

Mixed herbs (sage, thyme, rosemary)

Butter qb


Finely slice the onions and chop the pancetta into cubes. First, add the pancetta in the pan and let it cook for 5’. Then all the onions, cook for about 10’. Add few cubes of butter and all the Herbs. Deglaze with white wine and let it cook for 2 minutes.

Finely slice all the potatoes with a mandoline (the thinner level) and cut every slice with a smaller circle, so that the potatoes will have the same cooking time and the shape of the gratin will be better.

Cut some soft cheese to add more flavour.

Let’s start layering all the ingredients. Grease a pan with softened butter and then place all the potatoes, very close to each other. Season the potatoes with salt and pepper and then all the onions. Add the soft cheese and parmigiano reggiano and a little bit of heavy cream. Repeat for at least three times . Shape the last level perfectly, season and put all the parmigiano on top. Cover everything with parcement paper and alluminium foil.

Bake it at 360F for 1 hour. Then remove the foils and bake once again at 430F for 30 minutes until a beautiful crinchy Crust has formed.

Wait 10’-20’ before serving.



1 hour 32 minutes

total time
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