Malkia’s Collected
Deviled Eggs With Relish
annokset35 minutes
6 large eggs
¼ cup mayonnaise
3 tablespoons relish
¼ teaspoon mustard
Cayenne pepper
Coarse salt
Smoked paprika, for serving (optional)
Place eggs in pan with water: Place eggs in a medium saucepan; add cold water to cover by 1 inch.
Cook eggs: Bring to a rolling boil. Remove pan from heat; cover, and let stand 7 minutes.
Cool eggs: Drain, and run eggs under cold water to cool.
Combine mayonnaise, mustard, and relish: Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, mix together mayonnaise, relish, mustard, and a large pinch of cayenne.
Peel and halve eggs: Peel eggs, and halve lengthwise.
Remove yolks: Carefully remove yolks to bowl with mayonnaise mixture, leaving whites intact.
Add yolks to mayonnaise mixture: Mash egg yolks with mayonnaise mixture until smooth; season with salt.
Add filling to egg whites: Mound into egg whites. Sprinkle with paprika just before serving, if desired.
annokset35 minutes